Monday, August 31, 2015


No matter the civilization, duplicate symbols 
from each show up across the boards.
The individual meanings 
are up for grabs still we feel 
an attraction to many of them 
as if we were the ones
who left them...

My latest INTAGLIO impressing mat
is a conglomeration of ancient symbols,
PETROGLYPHS, if you will
which have been sized
small enough for fashionable wearables.

Petroglyphs also has reflective symmetry 
which allows you to pattern
the most massive of trays.

Available through BHClaysmith Etsy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ruby and Pebbles

The CUTEsie making workshop 
a few weeks back at
The Community Arts Center
went off without a hitch.
Everyone made CUTEsie with
their individual touch...

Meet Pebbles, the 3-leafed vase...

Not as big as you thought, huh!

And Ruby the CUTEsie
personal pitcher

Perfect for a spot of cream
for the Earl Grey!
Ruby was part of the Cheltenham 
Art Center 75th Gala.